The hall is busy with a wide range of activities and events. From pilates to table tennis, Over 60z Club, Amateur-Dramatic society, Salsa Dancing, Sequence Dancing, Amateur Radio, Social Clubs, WI meetings, The Rock Project, Bridge Club, Tai Chi and more! Birthday parties for little ones and not-so-little ones!
Some of our regular hirers are listed below, together with links to their websites and/or contact details:
The Rock Project (Friday from 3:30pm) – Group lessons in electric guitar, bass guitar, drums and vocals and the opportunity for young people aged 7-18 years old to put their musical skills into practice by performing regularly each week as part of a band.
Danbury Table Tennis Club (Various days) –
Danbury Players (Various) – Amateur Dramatic Society
Danbury Bridge Club – Wednesday Morning / Afternoon Contact Jill Fletcher – [email protected]
The Pilates Project – Thursday
Tai Chi
Salsa D’lite
Strictly Sequence
CARS (Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society)
Over 60z Club – Suzi Cornell Tel: 01245 225435
Eves Corner WI – 01245 763921
Tutoring/Revision Club – Vicki 07766 468609