Danbury Village Hall


When making an enquiry or booking, you can check on the availability of the room you require by looking at the Hallmaster calendar for the relevant date.  Please remember to include setting up/packing away time in your booking.

Hire charges will be confirmed upon booking; a minimum 2 hour hire is required for the Main & Small halls. Discounts are available to local not-for-profit community groups.

MAIN HALL (minimum hire 2 hours)
Mon-Fri from £10.20 per hour
Friday Evening, Saturday from £20.40 per hour
Sunday £17.85 per hour

SMALL HALL (minimum hire 2 hours)
Mon-Fri from £8.15 per hour
Friday Evening, Saturday from £16.30 per hour
Sunday £14.30 per hour

Discounts available for hire of Main / Small Hall together.

HAWKINS ROOM or COMMITTEE ROOM (minimum hire 3 hours)
£16.05 per 3 hour session

You can make an enquiry by filling in the enquiry form, or contacting us directly, as follows:

Cheryl Smith
Booking Agent
Tel – 07719 157646
E-mail – [email protected]